For online donations, please click on the button below.
(Please note that if donating by credit card, be sure to enter your zip code).
How Can I Partner?
Living Fields serves both Cambodian-Americans in Lynn, MA as well as national Cambodians in multiple locations in Cambodia. As small house churches, we lack many resources, but God has enabled us to participate in his big work! Please consider partnering with us prayerfully and/or financially to help advance the gospel in Lynn and in Cambodia.
Below are some of the ways in which Living Fields is involved in reaching, bridging and equipping on the advancing front:
If you would like to learn about any of these ministries and initiatives, we would be more than happy to share with you! Please email us at [email protected].
- Support multiple Cambodian students through Bible schools to grow and equip them as future leaders and Christ's disciples
- Provide Cambodian students with laptops and other resources they need to advance in their studies
- Run discipleship homes in Lynn, MA and in Battambong, Cambodia
- Engage in community outreaches that consist of Khmer School, Khmer Folk Dance School, English School, VBS, and Christmas Outreaches in Lynn, MA and in Cambodia
If you would like to learn about any of these ministries and initiatives, we would be more than happy to share with you! Please email us at [email protected].
For non-online donations, please make checks payable to "Living Fields Ministries" and send to:
Pastor PoSan Ung: 80 Johnson Street, Lynn, MA 01901
Support our Ministry
All purchases go towards Living Fields' ministry initiatives and causes